1#! /usr/bin/env python3
3"""Script to synchronize two source trees.
5Invoke with two arguments:
7python treesync.py slave master
9The assumption is that "master" contains CVS administration while
10slave doesn't.  All files in the slave tree that have a CVS/Entries
11entry in the master tree are synchronized.  This means:
13    If the files differ:
14        if the slave file is newer:
15            normalize the slave file
16            if the files still differ:
17                copy the slave to the master
18        else (the master is newer):
19            copy the master to the slave
21    normalizing the slave means replacing CRLF with LF when the master
22    doesn't use CRLF
26import os, sys, stat, getopt
28# Interactivity options
29default_answer = "ask"
30create_files = "yes"
31create_directories = "no"
32write_slave = "ask"
33write_master = "ask"
35def main():
36    global always_no, always_yes
37    global create_directories, write_master, write_slave
38    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "nym:s:d:f:a:")
39    for o, a in opts:
40        if o == '-y':
41            default_answer = "yes"
42        if o == '-n':
43            default_answer = "no"
44        if o == '-s':
45            write_slave = a
46        if o == '-m':
47            write_master = a
48        if o == '-d':
49            create_directories = a
50        if o == '-f':
51            create_files = a
52        if o == '-a':
53            create_files = create_directories = write_slave = write_master = a
54    try:
55        [slave, master] = args
56    except ValueError:
57        print("usage: python", sys.argv[0] or "treesync.py", end=' ')
58        print("[-n] [-y] [-m y|n|a] [-s y|n|a] [-d y|n|a] [-f n|y|a]", end=' ')
59        print("slavedir masterdir")
60        return
61    process(slave, master)
63def process(slave, master):
64    cvsdir = os.path.join(master, "CVS")
65    if not os.path.isdir(cvsdir):
66        print("skipping master subdirectory", master)
67        print("-- not under CVS")
68        return
69    print("-"*40)
70    print("slave ", slave)
71    print("master", master)
72    if not os.path.isdir(slave):
73        if not okay("create slave directory %s?" % slave,
74                    answer=create_directories):
75            print("skipping master subdirectory", master)
76            print("-- no corresponding slave", slave)
77            return
78        print("creating slave directory", slave)
79        try:
80            os.mkdir(slave)
81        except OSError as msg:
82            print("can't make slave directory", slave, ":", msg)
83            return
84        else:
85            print("made slave directory", slave)
86    cvsdir = None
87    subdirs = []
88    names = os.listdir(master)
89    for name in names:
90        mastername = os.path.join(master, name)
91        slavename = os.path.join(slave, name)
92        if name == "CVS":
93            cvsdir = mastername
94        else:
95            if os.path.isdir(mastername) and not os.path.islink(mastername):
96                subdirs.append((slavename, mastername))
97    if cvsdir:
98        entries = os.path.join(cvsdir, "Entries")
99        for e in open(entries).readlines():
100            words = e.split('/')
101            if words[0] == '' and words[1:]:
102                name = words[1]
103                s = os.path.join(slave, name)
104                m = os.path.join(master, name)
105                compare(s, m)
106    for (s, m) in subdirs:
107        process(s, m)
109def compare(slave, master):
110    try:
111        sf = open(slave, 'r')
112    except IOError:
113        sf = None
114    try:
115        mf = open(master, 'rb')
116    except IOError:
117        mf = None
118    if not sf:
119        if not mf:
120            print("Neither master nor slave exists", master)
121            return
122        print("Creating missing slave", slave)
123        copy(master, slave, answer=create_files)
124        return
125    if not mf:
126        print("Not updating missing master", master)
127        return
128    if sf and mf:
129        if identical(sf, mf):
130            return
131    sft = mtime(sf)
132    mft = mtime(mf)
133    if mft > sft:
134        # Master is newer -- copy master to slave
135        sf.close()
136        mf.close()
137        print("Master             ", master)
138        print("is newer than slave", slave)
139        copy(master, slave, answer=write_slave)
140        return
141    # Slave is newer -- copy slave to master
142    print("Slave is", sft-mft, "seconds newer than master")
143    # But first check what to do about CRLF
144    mf.seek(0)
145    fun = funnychars(mf)
146    mf.close()
147    sf.close()
148    if fun:
149        print("***UPDATING MASTER (BINARY COPY)***")
150        copy(slave, master, "rb", answer=write_master)
151    else:
152        print("***UPDATING MASTER***")
153        copy(slave, master, "r", answer=write_master)
155BUFSIZE = 16*1024
157def identical(sf, mf):
158    while 1:
159        sd = sf.read(BUFSIZE)
160        md = mf.read(BUFSIZE)
161        if sd != md: return 0
162        if not sd: break
163    return 1
165def mtime(f):
166    st = os.fstat(f.fileno())
167    return st[stat.ST_MTIME]
169def funnychars(f):
170    while 1:
171        buf = f.read(BUFSIZE)
172        if not buf: break
173        if '\r' in buf or '\0' in buf: return 1
174    return 0
176def copy(src, dst, rmode="rb", wmode="wb", answer='ask'):
177    print("copying", src)
178    print("     to", dst)
179    if not okay("okay to copy? ", answer):
180        return
181    f = open(src, rmode)
182    g = open(dst, wmode)
183    while 1:
184        buf = f.read(BUFSIZE)
185        if not buf: break
186        g.write(buf)
187    f.close()
188    g.close()
190def raw_input(prompt):
191    sys.stdout.write(prompt)
192    sys.stdout.flush()
193    return sys.stdin.readline()
195def okay(prompt, answer='ask'):
196    answer = answer.strip().lower()
197    if not answer or answer[0] not in 'ny':
198        answer = input(prompt)
199        answer = answer.strip().lower()
200        if not answer:
201            answer = default_answer
202    if answer[:1] == 'y':
203        return 1
204    if answer[:1] == 'n':
205        return 0
206    print("Yes or No please -- try again:")
207    return okay(prompt)
209if __name__ == '__main__':
210    main()