2 /*
3  * Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
4  *
5  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
6  * found in the LICENSE file.
7  */
9 #ifndef GrBlend_DEFINED
10 #define GrBlend_DEFINED
12 #include "GrColor.h"
13 #include "../private/SkTLogic.h"
15 /**
16  * Equations for alpha-blending.
17  */
18 enum GrBlendEquation {
19     // Basic blend equations.
20     kAdd_GrBlendEquation,             //<! Cs*S + Cd*D
21     kSubtract_GrBlendEquation,        //<! Cs*S - Cd*D
22     kReverseSubtract_GrBlendEquation, //<! Cd*D - Cs*S
24     // Advanced blend equations. These are described in the SVG and PDF specs.
25     kScreen_GrBlendEquation,
26     kOverlay_GrBlendEquation,
27     kDarken_GrBlendEquation,
28     kLighten_GrBlendEquation,
29     kColorDodge_GrBlendEquation,
30     kColorBurn_GrBlendEquation,
31     kHardLight_GrBlendEquation,
32     kSoftLight_GrBlendEquation,
33     kDifference_GrBlendEquation,
34     kExclusion_GrBlendEquation,
35     kMultiply_GrBlendEquation,
36     kHSLHue_GrBlendEquation,
37     kHSLSaturation_GrBlendEquation,
38     kHSLColor_GrBlendEquation,
39     kHSLLuminosity_GrBlendEquation,
41     kFirstAdvancedGrBlendEquation = kScreen_GrBlendEquation,
42     kLast_GrBlendEquation = kHSLLuminosity_GrBlendEquation
43 };
45 static const int kGrBlendEquationCnt = kLast_GrBlendEquation + 1;
48 /**
49  * Coefficients for alpha-blending.
50  */
51 enum GrBlendCoeff {
52     kZero_GrBlendCoeff,    //<! 0
53     kOne_GrBlendCoeff,     //<! 1
54     kSC_GrBlendCoeff,      //<! src color
55     kISC_GrBlendCoeff,     //<! one minus src color
56     kDC_GrBlendCoeff,      //<! dst color
57     kIDC_GrBlendCoeff,     //<! one minus dst color
58     kSA_GrBlendCoeff,      //<! src alpha
59     kISA_GrBlendCoeff,     //<! one minus src alpha
60     kDA_GrBlendCoeff,      //<! dst alpha
61     kIDA_GrBlendCoeff,     //<! one minus dst alpha
62     kConstC_GrBlendCoeff,  //<! constant color
63     kIConstC_GrBlendCoeff, //<! one minus constant color
64     kConstA_GrBlendCoeff,  //<! constant color alpha
65     kIConstA_GrBlendCoeff, //<! one minus constant color alpha
66     kS2C_GrBlendCoeff,
67     kIS2C_GrBlendCoeff,
68     kS2A_GrBlendCoeff,
69     kIS2A_GrBlendCoeff,
71     kLast_GrBlendCoeff = kIS2A_GrBlendCoeff
72 };
74 static const int kGrBlendCoeffCnt = kLast_GrBlendCoeff + 1;
76 static constexpr bool GrBlendCoeffRefsSrc(const GrBlendCoeff coeff) {
77     return kSC_GrBlendCoeff == coeff || kISC_GrBlendCoeff == coeff || kSA_GrBlendCoeff == coeff ||
78            kISA_GrBlendCoeff == coeff;
79 }
81 static constexpr bool GrBlendCoeffRefsDst(const GrBlendCoeff coeff) {
82     return kDC_GrBlendCoeff == coeff || kIDC_GrBlendCoeff == coeff || kDA_GrBlendCoeff == coeff ||
83            kIDA_GrBlendCoeff == coeff;
84 }
86 static constexpr bool GrBlendCoeffRefsSrc2(const GrBlendCoeff coeff) {
87     return kS2C_GrBlendCoeff == coeff || kIS2C_GrBlendCoeff == coeff ||
88            kS2A_GrBlendCoeff == coeff || kIS2A_GrBlendCoeff == coeff;
89 }
91 static constexpr bool GrBlendCoeffsUseSrcColor(GrBlendCoeff srcCoeff, GrBlendCoeff dstCoeff) {
92     return kZero_GrBlendCoeff != srcCoeff || GrBlendCoeffRefsSrc(dstCoeff);
93 }
95 static constexpr bool GrBlendCoeffsUseDstColor(GrBlendCoeff srcCoeff, GrBlendCoeff dstCoeff) {
96     return GrBlendCoeffRefsDst(srcCoeff) || kZero_GrBlendCoeff != dstCoeff;
97 }
99 static constexpr bool GrBlendEquationIsAdvanced(GrBlendEquation equation) {
100     return equation >= kFirstAdvancedGrBlendEquation;
101 }
103 static constexpr bool GrBlendModifiesDst(GrBlendEquation equation, GrBlendCoeff srcCoeff,
104                                          GrBlendCoeff dstCoeff) {
105     return (kAdd_GrBlendEquation != equation && kReverseSubtract_GrBlendEquation != equation) ||
106            kZero_GrBlendCoeff != srcCoeff || kOne_GrBlendCoeff != dstCoeff;
107 }
109 /**
110  * Advanced blend equations can always tweak alpha for coverage. (See GrCustomXfermode.cpp)
111  *
112  * For "add" and "reverse subtract" the blend equation with f=coverage is:
113  *
114  *   D' = f * (S * srcCoeff + D * dstCoeff) + (1-f) * D
115  *      = f * S * srcCoeff + D * (f * dstCoeff + (1 - f))
116  *
117  * (Let srcCoeff be negative for reverse subtract.) We can tweak alpha for coverage when the
118  * following relationship holds:
119  *
120  *   (f*S) * srcCoeff' + D * dstCoeff' == f * S * srcCoeff + D * (f * dstCoeff + (1 - f))
121  *
122  * (Where srcCoeff' and dstCoeff' have any reference to S pre-multiplied by f.)
123  *
124  * It's easy to see this works for the src term as long as srcCoeff' == srcCoeff (meaning srcCoeff
125  * does not reference S). For the dst term, this will work as long as the following is true:
126  *|
127  *   dstCoeff' == f * dstCoeff + (1 - f)
128  *   dstCoeff' == 1 - f * (1 - dstCoeff)
129  *
130  * By inspection we can see this will work as long as dstCoeff has a 1, and any other term in
131  * dstCoeff references S.
132  *
133  * Moreover, if the blend doesn't modify the dst at all then it is ok to arbitrarily modify the src
134  * color so folding in coverage is allowed.
135  */
136 static constexpr bool GrBlendAllowsCoverageAsAlpha(GrBlendEquation equation,
137                                                    GrBlendCoeff srcCoeff,
138                                                    GrBlendCoeff dstCoeff) {
139     return GrBlendEquationIsAdvanced(equation) ||
140            !GrBlendModifiesDst(equation, srcCoeff, dstCoeff) ||
141            ((kAdd_GrBlendEquation == equation || kReverseSubtract_GrBlendEquation == equation) &&
142             !GrBlendCoeffRefsSrc(srcCoeff) &&
143             (kOne_GrBlendCoeff == dstCoeff || kISC_GrBlendCoeff == dstCoeff ||
144              kISA_GrBlendCoeff == dstCoeff));
145 }
147 #endif