1Code Search 2=========== 3 4There are a number of ways to search the Skia codebase, each with advantages and 5disadvantages. 6 7[cs.skia.org](http://cs.skia.org) redirects to 8[Chromium code search](https://code.google.com/p/chromium/codesearch) restricted 9to the Skia portion of the Chromium tree. You can add a query after the slash; 10e.g. [cs.skia.org/foo](http://cs.skia.org/foo) will search for "foo" within the 11Skia tree. Chromium code search provides cross-references. 12 13For Googlers, there is also the option of [the skia depot](http://cs/#skia/) in 14internal Code Search. In addition to the 15main [skia](http://cs/#skia/skia/) repo, internal Code Search indexes the 16[buildbot](http://cs/#skia/buildbot/), [common](http://cs/#skia/common/), 17and [skia_internal](https://cs/#skia/skia_internal/) repos. However, 18cross-references, history/blame, and code analysis are not available. 19 20The Github mirrors of the [skia](https://github.com/google/skia) and 21[skia-buildbot](https://github.com/google/skia-buildbot) repos are useful for 22investigating history and blame, or for exploring release branches or other 23branches. However, the search functionality is fairly limited, cross-references 24are not available, and in history the original committer's username is replaced 25with that person's Github username. 26 27You can also navigate through the 28[Skia repos on googlesource.com](https://skia.googlesource.com/). All commits 29appear here first. 30 31 Code search option |Search |XRef |History |Repos |Branches |Freshness 32 --------------------|-------|-----|--------|------------------------------|---------|---------------------- 33 [cs.skia.org][1] |regexp | yes |yes |skia |master |last DEPS roll 34 [Internal][2] |regexp | no |no |skia buildbot common internal |master |hours 35 [Github][3] |basic | no |yes |skia buildbot |all |hour 36 [googlesource][4] |none | no |yes |all |all |N/A 37 38[1]: http://cs.skia.org/ "Chromium code search" 39[2]: http://cs/#skia/ "Internal Code Search" 40[3]: https://github.com/google/skia "Github mirror of skia" 41[4]: https://skia.googlesource.com/ "Master Skia repos on googlesource.com" 42