1#!/usr/bin/perl -w
3use strict;
4use warnings;
6# Sort the symbol table portion of the output of objdump -ht by
7# section, then by symbol value, then by size.  Used to enhance the
8# linker maps produced by "make bin/%.map" by also showing the values
9# of all non-global symbols.
11my %section_idx = ( "*ABS*" => ".", "*UND*" => "_" );
12my %lines;
13while ( <> ) {
14  if ( /^\s+(\d+)\s+([\.\*]\S+)\s+[0-9a-fA-F]+\s+[0-9a-fA-F]/ ) {
15    # It's a header line containing a section definition; extract the
16    # section index and store it.  Also print the header line.
17    print;
18    ( my $index, my $section ) = ( $1, $2 );
19    $section_idx{$section} = sprintf ( "%02d", $index );
20  } elsif ( /^([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s.*?\s([\.\*]\S+)\s+([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+(\S+)/ ) {
21    # It's a symbol line - store it in the hash, indexed by
22    # "<section_index>:<value>:<size>:<end_tag>".  <end_tag> is "0" if
23    # the symbol name is of the form xxx_end, "1" otherwise; this is
24    # done so that table end markers show up before any other symbols
25    # with the same value.
26    ( my $value, my $section, my $size, my $name ) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4 );
27    die "Unrecognised section \"$section\"\n"
28	unless exists $section_idx{$section};
29    my $section_idx = $section_idx{$section};
30    my $end = ( $name =~ /_end$/ ) ? "0" : "1";
31    my $key = $section_idx.":".$value.":".$size.":".$end;
32    $lines{$key} ||= '';
33    $lines{$key} .= $_;
34  } else {
35    # It's a generic header line: just print it.
36    print;
37  }
40print $lines{$_} foreach sort keys %lines;