1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
4# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
5# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
6# found in the LICENSE file.
8"""Given the output of -t commands from a ninja build for a gyp and GN generated
9build, report on differences between the command lines."""
12import os
13import shlex
14import subprocess
15import sys
18# Must be in v8/.
19BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
23g_total_differences = 0
26def FindAndRemoveArgWithValue(command_line, argname):
27  """Given a command line as a list, remove and return the value of an option
28  that takes a value as a separate entry.
30  Modifies |command_line| in place.
31  """
32  if argname not in command_line:
33    return ''
34  location = command_line.index(argname)
35  value = command_line[location + 1]
36  command_line[location:location + 2] = []
37  return value
40def MergeSpacedArgs(command_line, argname):
41  """Combine all arguments |argname| with their values, separated by a space."""
42  i = 0
43  result = []
44  while i < len(command_line):
45    arg = command_line[i]
46    if arg == argname:
47      result.append(arg + ' ' + command_line[i + 1])
48      i += 1
49    else:
50      result.append(arg)
51    i += 1
52  return result
55def NormalizeSymbolArguments(command_line):
56  """Normalize -g arguments.
58  If there's no -g args, it's equivalent to -g0. -g2 is equivalent to -g.
59  Modifies |command_line| in place.
60  """
61  # Strip -g0 if there's no symbols.
62  have_some_symbols = False
63  for x in command_line:
64    if x.startswith('-g') and x != '-g0':
65      have_some_symbols = True
66  if not have_some_symbols and '-g0' in command_line:
67    command_line.remove('-g0')
69  # Rename -g2 to -g.
70  if '-g2' in command_line:
71    command_line[command_line.index('-g2')] = '-g'
74def GetFlags(lines, build_dir):
75  """Turn a list of command lines into a semi-structured dict."""
76  is_win = sys.platform == 'win32'
77  flags_by_output = {}
78  for line in lines:
79    command_line = shlex.split(line.strip(), posix=not is_win)[1:]
81    output_name = FindAndRemoveArgWithValue(command_line, '-o')
82    dep_name = FindAndRemoveArgWithValue(command_line, '-MF')
84    NormalizeSymbolArguments(command_line)
86    command_line = MergeSpacedArgs(command_line, '-Xclang')
88    cc_file = [x for x in command_line if x.endswith('.cc') or
89                                          x.endswith('.c') or
90                                          x.endswith('.cpp')]
91    if len(cc_file) != 1:
92      print 'Skipping %s' % command_line
93      continue
94    assert len(cc_file) == 1
96    if is_win:
97      rsp_file = [x for x in command_line if x.endswith('.rsp')]
98      assert len(rsp_file) <= 1
99      if rsp_file:
100        rsp_file = os.path.join(build_dir, rsp_file[0][1:])
101        with open(rsp_file, "r") as open_rsp_file:
102          command_line = shlex.split(open_rsp_file, posix=False)
104    defines = [x for x in command_line if x.startswith('-D')]
105    include_dirs = [x for x in command_line if x.startswith('-I')]
106    dash_f = [x for x in command_line if x.startswith('-f')]
107    warnings = \
108        [x for x in command_line if x.startswith('/wd' if is_win else '-W')]
109    others = [x for x in command_line if x not in defines and \
110                                         x not in include_dirs and \
111                                         x not in dash_f and \
112                                         x not in warnings and \
113                                         x not in cc_file]
115    for index, value in enumerate(include_dirs):
116      if value == '-Igen':
117        continue
118      path = value[2:]
119      if not os.path.isabs(path):
120        path = os.path.join(build_dir, path)
121      include_dirs[index] = '-I' + os.path.normpath(path)
123    # GYP supports paths above the source root like <(DEPTH)/../foo while such
124    # paths are unsupported by gn. But gn allows to use system-absolute paths
125    # instead (paths that start with single '/'). Normalize all paths.
126    cc_file = [os.path.normpath(os.path.join(build_dir, cc_file[0]))]
128    # Filter for libFindBadConstructs.so having a relative path in one and
129    # absolute path in the other.
130    others_filtered = []
131    for x in others:
132      if x.startswith('-Xclang ') and x.endswith('libFindBadConstructs.so'):
133        others_filtered.append(
134            '-Xclang ' +
135            os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
136                         os.path.normpath(
137                             os.path.join('out/gn_flags', x.split(' ', 1)[1]))))
138      elif x.startswith('-B'):
139        others_filtered.append(
140            '-B' +
141            os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
142                         os.path.normpath(os.path.join('out/gn_flags', x[2:]))))
143      else:
144        others_filtered.append(x)
145    others = others_filtered
147    flags_by_output[cc_file[0]] = {
148      'output': output_name,
149      'depname': dep_name,
150      'defines': sorted(defines),
151      'include_dirs': sorted(include_dirs),  # TODO(scottmg): This is wrong.
152      'dash_f': sorted(dash_f),
153      'warnings': sorted(warnings),
154      'other': sorted(others),
155    }
156  return flags_by_output
159def CompareLists(gyp, gn, name, dont_care_gyp=None, dont_care_gn=None):
160  """Return a report of any differences between gyp and gn lists, ignoring
161  anything in |dont_care_{gyp|gn}| respectively."""
162  global g_total_differences
163  if not dont_care_gyp:
164    dont_care_gyp = []
165  if not dont_care_gn:
166    dont_care_gn = []
167  output = ''
168  if gyp[name] != gn[name]:
169    gyp_set = set(gyp[name])
170    gn_set = set(gn[name])
171    missing_in_gyp = gyp_set - gn_set
172    missing_in_gn = gn_set - gyp_set
173    missing_in_gyp -= set(dont_care_gyp)
174    missing_in_gn -= set(dont_care_gn)
175    if missing_in_gyp or missing_in_gn:
176      output += '  %s differ:\n' % name
177    if missing_in_gyp:
178      output += '    In gyp, but not in GN:\n      %s' % '\n      '.join(
179          sorted(missing_in_gyp)) + '\n'
180      g_total_differences += len(missing_in_gyp)
181    if missing_in_gn:
182      output += '    In GN, but not in gyp:\n      %s' % '\n      '.join(
183          sorted(missing_in_gn)) + '\n\n'
184      g_total_differences += len(missing_in_gn)
185  return output
188def Run(command_line):
189  """Run |command_line| as a subprocess and return stdout. Raises on error."""
190  try:
191    return subprocess.check_output(command_line, shell=True)
192  except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
193    # Rescue the output we got until the exception happened.
194    print '#### Stdout: ####################################################'
195    print e.output
196    print '#################################################################'
197    raise
200def main():
201  if len(sys.argv) < 4:
202    print ('usage: %s gn_outdir gyp_outdir gn_target '
203           '[gyp_target1, gyp_target2, ...]' % __file__)
204    return 1
206  if len(sys.argv) == 4:
207    sys.argv.append(sys.argv[3])
208  gn_out_dir = sys.argv[1]
209  print >> sys.stderr, 'Expecting gn outdir in %s...' % gn_out_dir
210  gn = Run('ninja -C %s -t commands %s' % (gn_out_dir, sys.argv[3]))
211  if sys.platform == 'win32':
212    # On Windows flags are stored in .rsp files which are created during build.
213    print >> sys.stderr, 'Building in %s...' % gn_out_dir
214    Run('ninja -C %s -d keeprsp %s' % (gn_out_dir, sys.argv[3]))
216  gyp_out_dir = sys.argv[2]
217  print >> sys.stderr, 'Expecting gyp outdir in %s...' % gyp_out_dir
218  gyp = Run('ninja -C %s -t commands %s' % (gyp_out_dir, " ".join(sys.argv[4:])))
219  if sys.platform == 'win32':
220    # On Windows flags are stored in .rsp files which are created during build.
221    print >> sys.stderr, 'Building in %s...' % gyp_out_dir
222    Run('ninja -C %s -d keeprsp %s' % (gyp_out_dir, " ".join(sys.argv[4:])))
224  all_gyp_flags = GetFlags(gyp.splitlines(),
225                           os.path.join(os.getcwd(), gyp_out_dir))
226  all_gn_flags = GetFlags(gn.splitlines(),
227                          os.path.join(os.getcwd(), gn_out_dir))
228  gyp_files = set(all_gyp_flags.keys())
229  gn_files = set(all_gn_flags.keys())
230  different_source_list = gyp_files != gn_files
231  if different_source_list:
232    print 'Different set of sources files:'
233    print '  In gyp, not in GN:\n    %s' % '\n    '.join(
234        sorted(gyp_files - gn_files))
235    print '  In GN, not in gyp:\n    %s' % '\n    '.join(
236        sorted(gn_files - gyp_files))
237    print '\nNote that flags will only be compared for files in both sets.\n'
238  file_list = gyp_files & gn_files
239  files_with_given_differences = {}
240  for filename in sorted(file_list):
241    gyp_flags = all_gyp_flags[filename]
242    gn_flags = all_gn_flags[filename]
243    differences = CompareLists(gyp_flags, gn_flags, 'dash_f')
244    differences += CompareLists(gyp_flags, gn_flags, 'defines')
245    differences += CompareLists(gyp_flags, gn_flags, 'include_dirs',
246                                ['-I%s' % os.path.dirname(BASE_DIR)])
247    differences += CompareLists(gyp_flags, gn_flags, 'warnings',
248        # More conservative warnings in GN we consider to be OK.
249        dont_care_gyp=[
250          '/wd4091',  # 'keyword' : ignored on left of 'type' when no variable
251                      # is declared.
252          '/wd4456',  # Declaration hides previous local declaration.
253          '/wd4457',  # Declaration hides function parameter.
254          '/wd4458',  # Declaration hides class member.
255          '/wd4459',  # Declaration hides global declaration.
256          '/wd4702',  # Unreachable code.
257          '/wd4800',  # Forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false'.
258          '/wd4838',  # Conversion from 'type' to 'type' requires a narrowing
259                      # conversion.
260        ] if sys.platform == 'win32' else None,
261        dont_care_gn=[
262          '-Wendif-labels',
263          '-Wextra',
264          '-Wsign-compare',
265        ] if not sys.platform == 'win32' else None)
266    differences += CompareLists(gyp_flags, gn_flags, 'other')
267    if differences:
268      files_with_given_differences.setdefault(differences, []).append(filename)
270  for diff, files in files_with_given_differences.iteritems():
271    print '\n'.join(sorted(files))
272    print diff
274  print 'Total differences:', g_total_differences
275  # TODO(scottmg): Return failure on difference once we're closer to identical.
276  return 0
279if __name__ == '__main__':
280  sys.exit(main())