1version 1.0
2# Input file for test_create_audiotrack
3# Add one line for each tested AudioTrack constructor with the following arguments:
4# sampleRate format 	channelMask frameCount notificationFrames sharedBuffer flags sessionId usage contentType
5# sample rate tests
6  48000      0x1    	0x3         4800       2400               0            0x0   0         1     2
7  24000      0x1    	0x3         4800       2400               0            0x0   0         1     2
8  16000      0x1    	0x3         4800       2400               0            0x0   0         1     2
9   8000      0x1    	0x3         4800       2400               0            0x0   0         1     2
10  44100      0x1    	0x3         4410       2205               0            0x0   0         1     2
11  22050      0x1    	0x3         4410       2205               0            0x0   0         1     2
12  11025      0x1    	0x3         4410       2205               0            0x0   0         1     2
13# format tests
14  48000      0x2    	0x3         4800       2400               0            0x0   0         1     2
15  48000      0x3    	0x3         4800       2400               0            0x0   0         1     2
16  48000      0x5    	0x3         4800       2400               0            0x0   0         1     2
17# channel mask tests
18  48000      0x1    	0x1         4800       2400               0            0x0   0         1     2
19  48000      0x1    	0x3F        4800       2400               0            0x0   0         1     2
20  48000      0x1    	0x63F       4800       2400               0            0x0   0         1     2
21# framecount tests
22  48000      0x1    	0x3         0          0                  0            0x0   0         1     2
23  48000      0x1    	0x3         48000      0                  0            0x0   0         1     2
24  48000      0x1    	0x3         0          -2                 0            0x4   0         1     2
25# shared memory tests
26  48000      0x1    	0x3         4800       2400               1            0x0   0         1     2
27  48000      0x1    	0x3         4800       2400               1            0x4   0         1     2
28# flags test
29  48000      0x1    	0x3         4800       2400               0            0x4   0         1     2
30  48000      0x1    	0x3         4800       2400               0            0x8   0         1     2
31  44100      0x1000000  0x3         4800       2400               0            0x11  0         1     2
32# session tests
33  48000      0x1    	0x3         4800       2400               0            0x0   1001      1     2
34# attributes tests
35  48000      0x1    	0x3         4800       2400               0            0x0   0         0     0
36  48000      0x1    	0x3         4800       2400               0            0x0   0         2     1
37  48000      0x1    	0x3         4800       2400               0            0x0   0         4     2
38  48000      0x1    	0x3         4800       2400               0            0x0   0         5     2
39  48000      0x1    	0x3         4800       2400               0            0x0   0         11    1
40  48000      0x1    	0x3         4800       2400               0            0x0   0         12    1