4 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
6 #include <dvr/dvr_buffer.h>
10 typedef struct ANativeWindow ANativeWindow;
12 typedef struct DvrWriteBufferQueue DvrWriteBufferQueue;
13 typedef struct DvrReadBufferQueue DvrReadBufferQueue;
15 // Creates a write buffer queue to be used locally.
16 //
17 // Note that this API is mostly for testing purpose. For now there is no
18 // mechanism to send a DvrWriteBufferQueue cross process. Use
19 // dvrSurfaceCreateWriteBufferQueue if cross-process buffer transport is
20 // intended.
21 //
22 // @param width The width of the buffers that this queue will produce.
23 // @param height The height of buffers that this queue will produce.
24 // @param format The format of the buffers that this queue will produce. This
25 //     must be one of the AHARDWAREBUFFER_FORMAT_XXX enums.
26 // @param layer_count The number of layers of the buffers that this queue will
27 //     produce.
28 // @param usage The usage of the buffers that this queue will produce. This
29 //     must a combination of the AHARDWAREBUFFER_USAGE_XXX flags.
30 // @param capacity The number of buffer that this queue will allocate. Note that
31 //     all buffers will be allocated on create. Currently, the number of buffers
32 //     is the queue cannot be changed after creation though DVR API. However,
33 //     ANativeWindow can choose to reallocate, attach, or detach buffers from
34 //     a DvrWriteBufferQueue through Android platform logic.
35 // @param metadata_size The size of metadata in bytes.
36 // @param out_write_queue The pointer of a DvrWriteBufferQueue will be filled
37 //      here if the method call succeeds. The metadata size must match
38 //      the metadata size in dvrWriteBufferPost/dvrReadBufferAcquire.
39 // @return Zero on success, or negative error code.
40 int dvrWriteBufferQueueCreate(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t format,
41                               uint32_t layer_count, uint64_t usage,
42                               size_t capacity, size_t metadata_size,
43                               DvrWriteBufferQueue** out_write_queue);
45 // Destroy a write buffer queue.
46 //
47 // @param write_queue The DvrWriteBufferQueue of interest.
48 void dvrWriteBufferQueueDestroy(DvrWriteBufferQueue* write_queue);
50 // Get the total number of buffers in a write buffer queue.
51 //
52 // @param write_queue The DvrWriteBufferQueue of interest.
53 // @return The capacity on success; or negative error code.
54 ssize_t dvrWriteBufferQueueGetCapacity(DvrWriteBufferQueue* write_queue);
56 // Get the system unique queue id of a write buffer queue.
57 //
58 // @param write_queue The DvrWriteBufferQueue of interest.
59 // @return Queue id on success; or negative error code.
60 int dvrWriteBufferQueueGetId(DvrWriteBufferQueue* write_queue);
62 // Gets an ANativeWindow backed by the DvrWriteBufferQueue
63 //
64 // Can be casted to a Java Surface using ANativeWindow_toSurface NDK API. Note
65 // that the native window is lazily created at the first time |GetNativeWindow|
66 // is called, and the created ANativeWindow will be cached so that multiple
67 // calls to this method will return the same object. Also note that this method
68 // does not acquire an additional reference to the ANativeWindow returned, don't
69 // call ANativeWindow_release on it.
70 //
71 // @param write_queue The DvrWriteBufferQueue of interest.
72 // @param out_window The pointer of an ANativeWindow will be filled here if
73 //     the method call succeeds.
74 // @return Zero on success; or -EINVAL if this DvrWriteBufferQueue does not
75 //     support being used as an android Surface.
76 int dvrWriteBufferQueueGetANativeWindow(DvrWriteBufferQueue* write_queue,
77                                         ANativeWindow** out_window);
79 // Create a read buffer queue from an existing write buffer queue.
80 //
81 // @param write_queue The DvrWriteBufferQueue of interest.
82 // @param out_read_queue The pointer of a DvrReadBufferQueue will be filled here
83 //     if the method call succeeds.
84 // @return Zero on success, or negative error code.
85 int dvrWriteBufferQueueCreateReadQueue(DvrWriteBufferQueue* write_queue,
86                                        DvrReadBufferQueue** out_read_queue);
88 // Gains a buffer to write into.
89 //
90 // @param write_queue The DvrWriteBufferQueue to gain buffer from.
91 // @param timeout Specifies the number of milliseconds that the method will
92 //     block. Specifying a timeout of -1 causes it to block indefinitely,
93 //     while specifying a timeout equal to zero cause it to return immediately,
94 //     even if no buffers are available.
95 // @param out_buffer A targeting DvrWriteBuffer object to hold the output of the
96 //     dequeue operation.
97 // @param out_meta A DvrNativeBufferMetadata object populated by the
98 //     corresponding dvrReadBufferQueueReleaseBuffer API.
99 // @param out_fence_fd A sync fence fd defined in NDK's sync.h API, which
100 //     signals the release of underlying buffer. The producer should wait until
101 //     this fence clears before writing data into it.
102 // @return Zero on success, or negative error code.
103 int dvrWriteBufferQueueGainBuffer(DvrWriteBufferQueue* write_queue, int timeout,
104                                   DvrWriteBuffer** out_write_buffer,
105                                   DvrNativeBufferMetadata* out_meta,
106                                   int* out_fence_fd);
108 // Posts a buffer and signals its readiness to be read from.
109 //
110 // @param write_queue The DvrWriteBufferQueue to post buffer into.
111 // @param write_buffer The buffer to be posted.
112 // @param meta The buffer metadata describing the buffer.
113 // @param ready_fence_fd  A sync fence fd defined in NDK's sync.h API, which
114 //     signals the readdiness of underlying buffer. When a valid fence gets
115 //     passed in, the consumer will wait the fence to be ready before it starts
116 //     to ready from the buffer.
117 // @return Zero on success, or negative error code.
118 int dvrWriteBufferQueuePostBuffer(DvrWriteBufferQueue* write_queue,
119                                   DvrWriteBuffer* write_buffer,
120                                   const DvrNativeBufferMetadata* meta,
121                                   int ready_fence_fd);
123 // Overrides buffer dimension with new width and height.
124 //
125 // After the call successfully returns, each |dvrWriteBufferQueueDequeue| call
126 // will return buffer with newly assigned |width| and |height|. When necessary,
127 // old buffer will be removed from the buffer queue and replaced with new buffer
128 // matching the new buffer size.
129 //
130 // @param write_queue The DvrWriteBufferQueue of interest.
131 // @param width Desired width, cannot be Zero.
132 // @param height Desired height, cannot be Zero.
133 // @return Zero on success, or negative error code.
134 int dvrWriteBufferQueueResizeBuffer(DvrWriteBufferQueue* write_queue,
135                                     uint32_t width, uint32_t height);
137 // Destroy a read buffer queue.
138 //
139 // @param read_queue The DvrReadBufferQueue of interest.
140 void dvrReadBufferQueueDestroy(DvrReadBufferQueue* read_queue);
142 // Get the total number of buffers in a read buffer queue.
143 //
144 // @param read_queue The DvrReadBufferQueue of interest.
145 // @return The capacity on success; or negative error code.
146 ssize_t dvrReadBufferQueueGetCapacity(DvrReadBufferQueue* read_queue);
148 // Get the system unique queue id of a read buffer queue.
149 //
150 // @param read_queue The DvrReadBufferQueue of interest.
151 // @return Queue id on success; or negative error code.
152 int dvrReadBufferQueueGetId(DvrReadBufferQueue* read_queue);
154 // Get the event fd that signals when queue updates occur.
155 //
156 // Use ReadBufferQueueHandleEvents to trigger registered event callbacks.
157 //
158 // @param read_queue The DvrReadBufferQueue of interest.
159 // @return Fd on success; or negative error code.
160 int dvrReadBufferQueueGetEventFd(DvrReadBufferQueue* read_queue);
162 // Create a read buffer queue from an existing read buffer queue.
163 //
164 // @param read_queue The DvrReadBufferQueue of interest.
165 // @param out_read_queue The pointer of a DvrReadBufferQueue will be filled here
166 //     if the method call succeeds.
167 // @return Zero on success, or negative error code.
168 int dvrReadBufferQueueCreateReadQueue(DvrReadBufferQueue* read_queue,
169                                       DvrReadBufferQueue** out_read_queue);
171 // Dequeues a buffer to read from.
172 //
173 // @param read_queue The DvrReadBufferQueue to acquire buffer from.
174 // @param timeout Specifies the number of milliseconds that the method will
175 //     block. Specifying a timeout of -1 causes it to block indefinitely,
176 //     while specifying a timeout equal to zero cause it to return immediately,
177 //     even if no buffers are available.
178 // @param out_buffer A targeting DvrReadBuffer object to hold the output of the
179 //     dequeue operation. Must be created by |dvrReadBufferCreateEmpty|.
180 // @param out_meta A DvrNativeBufferMetadata object populated by the
181 //     corresponding dvrWriteBufferQueuePostBuffer API.
182 // @param out_fence_fd A sync fence fd defined in NDK's sync.h API, which
183 //     signals the release of underlying buffer. The consumer should wait until
184 //     this fence clears before reading data from it.
185 // @return Zero on success, or negative error code.
186 int dvrReadBufferQueueAcquireBuffer(DvrReadBufferQueue* read_queue, int timeout,
187                                     DvrReadBuffer** out_read_buffer,
188                                     DvrNativeBufferMetadata* out_meta,
189                                     int* out_fence_fd);
191 // Releases a buffer and signals its readiness to be written into.
192 //
193 // @param read_queue The DvrReadBufferQueue to release buffer into.
194 // @param read_buffer The buffer to be released.
195 // @param meta The buffer metadata describing the buffer.
196 // @param release_fence_fd A sync fence fd defined in NDK's sync.h API, which
197 //     signals the readdiness of underlying buffer. When a valid fence gets
198 //     passed in, the producer will wait the fence to be ready before it starts
199 //     to write into the buffer again.
200 // @return Zero on success, or negative error code.
201 int dvrReadBufferQueueReleaseBuffer(DvrReadBufferQueue* read_queue,
202                                     DvrReadBuffer* read_buffer,
203                                     const DvrNativeBufferMetadata* meta,
204                                     int release_fence_fd);
206 // Callback function which will be called when a buffer is avaiable.
207 //
208 // Note that there is no guarantee of thread safety and on which thread the
209 // callback will be fired.
210 //
211 // @param context User provided opaque pointer.
212 typedef void (*DvrReadBufferQueueBufferAvailableCallback)(void* context);
214 // Set buffer avaiable callback.
215 //
216 // @param read_queue The DvrReadBufferQueue of interest.
217 // @param callback The callback function. Set this to NULL if caller no longer
218 //     needs to listen to new buffer available events.
219 // @param context User provided opaque pointer, will be passed back during
220 //     callback. The caller is responsible for ensuring the validity of the
221 //     context through the life cycle of the DvrReadBufferQueue.
222 // @return Zero on success, or negative error code.
223 int dvrReadBufferQueueSetBufferAvailableCallback(
224     DvrReadBufferQueue* read_queue,
225     DvrReadBufferQueueBufferAvailableCallback callback, void* context);
227 // Callback function which will be called when a buffer is about to be removed.
228 //
229 // Note that there is no guarantee of thread safety and on which thread the
230 // callback will be fired.
231 //
232 // @param buffer The buffer being removed. Once the callbacks returns, this
233 //     buffer will be dereferenced from the buffer queue. If user has ever
234 //     cached other DvrReadBuffer/AHardwareBuffer/EglImageKHR objects derived
235 //     from this buffer, it's the user's responsibility to clean them up.
236 //     Note that the ownership of the read buffer is not passed to this
237 //     callback, so it should call dvrReadBufferDestroy on the buffer.
238 // @param context User provided opaque pointer.
239 typedef void (*DvrReadBufferQueueBufferRemovedCallback)(DvrReadBuffer* buffer,
240                                                         void* context);
242 // Set buffer removed callback.
243 //
244 // @param read_queue The DvrReadBufferQueue of interest.
245 // @param callback The callback function. Set this to NULL if caller no longer
246 //     needs to listen to buffer removed events.
247 // @param context User provided opaque pointer, will be passed back during
248 //     callback. The caller is responsible for ensuring the validity of the
249 //     context through the life cycle of the DvrReadBufferQueue.
250 // @return Zero on success, or negative error code.
251 int dvrReadBufferQueueSetBufferRemovedCallback(
252     DvrReadBufferQueue* read_queue,
253     DvrReadBufferQueueBufferRemovedCallback callback, void* context);
255 // Handle all pending events on the read queue.
256 //
257 // @param read_queue The DvrReadBufferQueue of interest.
258 // @return Zero on success, or negative error code.
259 int dvrReadBufferQueueHandleEvents(DvrReadBufferQueue* read_queue);