1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 2<issues format="4" by="lint 3.0.0"> 3 4 <issue 5 id="DefaultLocale" 6 message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead" 7 errorLine1=" drTxt.setText(String.format("%.4f", (float) mDampingRatio));" 8 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 9 <location 10 file="src/main/java/com/example/android/support/animation/MainActivity.java" 11 line="131" 12 column="31"/> 13 </issue> 14 15 <issue 16 id="DefaultLocale" 17 message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead" 18 errorLine1=" nfTxt.setText(String.format("%.3f", (float) stiffness));" 19 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 20 <location 21 file="src/main/java/com/example/android/support/animation/MainActivity.java" 22 line="153" 23 column="31"/> 24 </issue> 25 26 <issue 27 id="DefaultLocale" 28 message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead" 29 errorLine1=" drTxt.setText(String.format("%.4f", (float) mDampingRatio));" 30 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 31 <location 32 file="src/main/java/com/example/android/support/animation/SpringActivity.java" 33 line="116" 34 column="31"/> 35 </issue> 36 37 <issue 38 id="DefaultLocale" 39 message="Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use `String.format(Locale, ...)` instead" 40 errorLine1=" nfTxt.setText(String.format("%.3f", (float) stiffness));" 41 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 42 <location 43 file="src/main/java/com/example/android/support/animation/SpringActivity.java" 44 line="138" 45 column="31"/> 46 </issue> 47 48 <issue 49 id="AllowBackup" 50 message="On SDK version 23 and up, your app data will be automatically backed up and restored on app install. Consider adding the attribute `android:fullBackupContent` to specify an `@xml` resource which configures which files to backup. More info: https://developer.android.com/training/backup/autosyncapi.html" 51 errorLine1=" <application android:label="@string/activity_sample_code"" 52 errorLine2=" ^"> 53 <location 54 file="src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" 55 line="19" 56 column="5"/> 57 </issue> 58 59 <issue 60 id="AllowBackup" 61 message="Should explicitly set `android:allowBackup` to `true` or `false` (it's `true` by default, and that can have some security implications for the application's data)" 62 errorLine1=" <application android:label="@string/activity_sample_code"" 63 errorLine2=" ^"> 64 <location 65 file="src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" 66 line="19" 67 column="5"/> 68 </issue> 69 70 <issue 71 id="ObsoleteLayoutParam" 72 message="Invalid layout param in a `FrameLayout`: `layout_centerHorizontal`" 73 errorLine1=" android:layout_centerHorizontal="true"" 74 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 75 <location 76 file="src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml" 77 line="43" 78 column="13"/> 79 </issue> 80 81 <issue 82 id="ObsoleteLayoutParam" 83 message="Invalid layout param in a `FrameLayout`: `layout_centerVertical`" 84 errorLine1=" android:layout_centerVertical="true"" 85 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 86 <location 87 file="src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml" 88 line="44" 89 column="13"/> 90 </issue> 91 92 <issue 93 id="MergeRootFrame" 94 message="This `<FrameLayout>` can be replaced with a `<merge>` tag" 95 errorLine1="<FrameLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"" 96 errorLine2="^"> 97 <location 98 file="src/main/res/layout/activity_chained_springs.xml" 99 line="17" 100 column="1"/> 101 </issue> 102 103 <issue 104 id="UselessParent" 105 message="This `FrameLayout` layout or its `RelativeLayout` parent is possibly useless" 106 errorLine1=" <FrameLayout" 107 errorLine2=" ^"> 108 <location 109 file="src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml" 110 line="30" 111 column="5"/> 112 </issue> 113 114 <issue 115 id="IconMissingDensityFolder" 116 message="Missing density variation folders in `src/main/res`: drawable-xhdpi, drawable-xxhdpi"> 117 <location 118 file="src/main/res"/> 119 </issue> 120 121 <issue 122 id="GoogleAppIndexingWarning" 123 message="App is not indexable by Google Search; consider adding at least one Activity with an ACTION-VIEW intent filter. See issue explanation for more details." 124 errorLine1=" <application android:label="@string/activity_sample_code"" 125 errorLine2=" ^"> 126 <location 127 file="src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" 128 line="19" 129 column="5"/> 130 </issue> 131 132 <issue 133 id="ClickableViewAccessibility" 134 message="`onTouch` should call `View#performClick` when a click is detected" 135 errorLine1=" public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent motionEvent) {" 136 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> 137 <location 138 file="src/main/java/com/example/android/support/animation/MainActivity.java" 139 line="74" 140 column="28"/> 141 </issue> 142 143 <issue 144 id="ClickableViewAccessibility" 145 message="`onTouch` should call `View#performClick` when a click is detected" 146 errorLine1=" public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent motionEvent) {" 147 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> 148 <location 149 file="src/main/java/com/example/android/support/animation/SpringActivity.java" 150 line="62" 151 column="28"/> 152 </issue> 153 154 <issue 155 id="ContentDescription" 156 message="Missing `contentDescription` attribute on image" 157 errorLine1=" <ImageView" 158 errorLine2=" ^"> 159 <location 160 file="src/main/res/layout/activity_chained_springs.xml" 161 line="87" 162 column="9"/> 163 </issue> 164 165 <issue 166 id="ContentDescription" 167 message="Missing `contentDescription` attribute on image" 168 errorLine1=" <ImageView" 169 errorLine2=" ^"> 170 <location 171 file="src/main/res/layout/activity_chained_springs.xml" 172 line="93" 173 column="9"/> 174 </issue> 175 176 <issue 177 id="ContentDescription" 178 message="Missing `contentDescription` attribute on image" 179 errorLine1=" <ImageView" 180 errorLine2=" ^"> 181 <location 182 file="src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml" 183 line="39" 184 column="9"/> 185 </issue> 186 187 <issue 188 id="HardcodedText" 189 message="Hardcoded string "Damping Ratio:", should use `@string` resource" 190 errorLine1=" android:text="Damping Ratio:"/>" 191 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 192 <location 193 file="src/main/res/layout/activity_chained_springs.xml" 194 line="33" 195 column="17"/> 196 </issue> 197 198 <issue 199 id="HardcodedText" 200 message="Hardcoded string "Stiffness:", should use `@string` resource" 201 errorLine1=" android:text="Stiffness:"/>" 202 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 203 <location 204 file="src/main/res/layout/activity_chained_springs.xml" 205 line="59" 206 column="17"/> 207 </issue> 208 209 <issue 210 id="HardcodedText" 211 message="Hardcoded string "Drag\n Me", should use `@string` resource" 212 errorLine1=" android:text="Drag\n Me"" 213 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 214 <location 215 file="src/main/res/layout/activity_chained_springs.xml" 216 line="85" 217 column="13"/> 218 </issue> 219 220 <issue 221 id="HardcodedText" 222 message="Hardcoded string "Damping Ratio:", should use `@string` resource" 223 errorLine1=" android:text="Damping Ratio:"/>" 224 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 225 <location 226 file="src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml" 227 line="63" 228 column="21"/> 229 </issue> 230 231 <issue 232 id="HardcodedText" 233 message="Hardcoded string "Stiffness:", should use `@string` resource" 234 errorLine1=" android:text="Stiffness:"/>" 235 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 236 <location 237 file="src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml" 238 line="89" 239 column="21"/> 240 </issue> 241 242</issues> 243