1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 2<issues format="4" by="lint 3.0.0"> 3 4 <issue 5 id="MissingTvBanner" 6 message="Expecting `android:banner` with the `<application>` tag or each Leanback launcher activity." 7 errorLine1=" <application android:label="pref demo"" 8 errorLine2=" ^"> 9 <location 10 file="src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" 11 line="27" 12 column="5"/> 13 </issue> 14 15 <issue 16 id="ImpliedTouchscreenHardware" 17 message="Hardware feature `android.hardware.touchscreen` not explicitly marked as optional " 18 errorLine1="<manifest" 19 errorLine2="^"> 20 <location 21 file="src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" 22 line="17" 23 column="1"/> 24 </issue> 25 26 <issue 27 id="MissingLeanbackSupport" 28 message="Expecting <uses-feature android:name="android.software.leanback" android:required="false" /> tag." 29 errorLine1="<manifest" 30 errorLine2="^"> 31 <location 32 file="src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" 33 line="17" 34 column="1"/> 35 </issue> 36 37 <issue 38 id="UnusedResources" 39 message="The resource `R.string.title_switch_preference` appears to be unused" 40 errorLine1=" <string name="title_switch_preference">Switch preference</string>" 41 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 42 <location 43 file="src/main/res/values/strings.xml" 44 line="42" 45 column="13"/> 46 </issue> 47 48 <issue 49 id="UnusedResources" 50 message="The resource `R.string.summary_switch_preference` appears to be unused" 51 errorLine1=" <string name="summary_switch_preference">This is a switch</string>" 52 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 53 <location 54 file="src/main/res/values/strings.xml" 55 line="43" 56 column="13"/> 57 </issue> 58 59 <issue 60 id="UnusedResources" 61 message="The resource `R.string.summary_switch_preference_yes_no` appears to be unused" 62 errorLine1=" <string name="summary_switch_preference_yes_no">This is a switch with custom text</string>" 63 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 64 <location 65 file="src/main/res/values/strings.xml" 66 line="44" 67 column="13"/> 68 </issue> 69 70 <issue 71 id="UnusedResources" 72 message="The resource `R.string.title_yesno_preference` appears to be unused" 73 errorLine1=" <string name="title_yesno_preference">Yes or no preference</string>" 74 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 75 <location 76 file="src/main/res/values/strings.xml" 77 line="46" 78 column="13"/> 79 </issue> 80 81 <issue 82 id="UnusedResources" 83 message="The resource `R.string.summary_yesno_preference` appears to be unused" 84 errorLine1=" <string name="summary_yesno_preference">An example that uses a yes/no dialog</string>" 85 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 86 <location 87 file="src/main/res/values/strings.xml" 88 line="47" 89 column="13"/> 90 </issue> 91 92 <issue 93 id="UnusedResources" 94 message="The resource `R.string.dialog_title_yesno_preference` appears to be unused" 95 errorLine1=" <string name="dialog_title_yesno_preference">Do you like bananas?</string>" 96 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 97 <location 98 file="src/main/res/values/strings.xml" 99 line="48" 100 column="13"/> 101 </issue> 102 103 <issue 104 id="UnusedResources" 105 message="The resource `R.string.title_fragment_preference` appears to be unused" 106 errorLine1=" <string name="title_fragment_preference">Fragment preference</string>" 107 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 108 <location 109 file="src/main/res/values/strings.xml" 110 line="65" 111 column="13"/> 112 </issue> 113 114 <issue 115 id="UnusedResources" 116 message="The resource `R.string.summary_fragment_preference` appears to be unused" 117 errorLine1=" <string name="summary_fragment_preference">Shows another fragment of preferences</string>" 118 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 119 <location 120 file="src/main/res/values/strings.xml" 121 line="66" 122 column="13"/> 123 </issue> 124 125 <issue 126 id="UnusedResources" 127 message="The resource `R.string.title_my_preference` appears to be unused" 128 errorLine1=" <string name="title_my_preference">My preference</string>" 129 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 130 <location 131 file="src/main/res/values/strings.xml" 132 line="74" 133 column="13"/> 134 </issue> 135 136 <issue 137 id="UnusedResources" 138 message="The resource `R.string.summary_my_preference` appears to be unused" 139 errorLine1=" <string name="summary_my_preference">This is a custom counter preference</string>" 140 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 141 <location 142 file="src/main/res/values/strings.xml" 143 line="75" 144 column="13"/> 145 </issue> 146 147 <issue 148 id="UnusedResources" 149 message="The resource `R.string.title_advanced_toggle_preference` appears to be unused" 150 errorLine1=" <string name="title_advanced_toggle_preference">Haunted preference</string>" 151 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 152 <location 153 file="src/main/res/values/strings.xml" 154 line="77" 155 column="13"/> 156 </issue> 157 158 <issue 159 id="UnusedResources" 160 message="The resource `R.string.summary_on_advanced_toggle_preference` appears to be unused" 161 errorLine1=" <string name="summary_on_advanced_toggle_preference">I\'m on! :)</string>" 162 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 163 <location 164 file="src/main/res/values/strings.xml" 165 line="78" 166 column="13"/> 167 </issue> 168 169 <issue 170 id="UnusedResources" 171 message="The resource `R.string.summary_off_advanced_toggle_preference` appears to be unused" 172 errorLine1=" <string name="summary_off_advanced_toggle_preference">I\'m off! :(</string>" 173 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 174 <location 175 file="src/main/res/values/strings.xml" 176 line="79" 177 column="13"/> 178 </issue> 179 180 <issue 181 id="UnusedResources" 182 message="The resource `R.string.example_preference_dependency` appears to be unused" 183 errorLine1=" <string name="example_preference_dependency">Example preference dependency</string>" 184 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 185 <location 186 file="src/main/res/values/strings.xml" 187 line="86" 188 column="13"/> 189 </issue> 190 191 <issue 192 id="UnusedResources" 193 message="The resource `R.string.title_wifi` appears to be unused" 194 errorLine1=" <string name="title_wifi">WiFi</string>" 195 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 196 <location 197 file="src/main/res/values/strings.xml" 198 line="87" 199 column="13"/> 200 </issue> 201 202 <issue 203 id="UnusedResources" 204 message="The resource `R.string.title_wifi_settings` appears to be unused" 205 errorLine1=" <string name="title_wifi_settings">WiFi settings</string>" 206 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 207 <location 208 file="src/main/res/values/strings.xml" 209 line="88" 210 column="13"/> 211 </issue> 212 213 <issue 214 id="UnusedResources" 215 message="The resource `R.string.default_value_list_preference` appears to be unused" 216 errorLine1=" <string name="default_value_list_preference">beta</string>" 217 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 218 <location 219 file="src/main/res/values/strings.xml" 220 line="90" 221 column="13"/> 222 </issue> 223 224 <issue 225 id="UnusedResources" 226 message="The resource `R.string.default_value_edittext_preference` appears to be unused" 227 errorLine1=" <string name="default_value_edittext_preference">Default value</string>" 228 errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> 229 <location 230 file="src/main/res/values/strings.xml" 231 line="91" 232 column="13"/> 233 </issue> 234 235 <issue 236 id="IconMissingDensityFolder" 237 message="Missing density variation folders in `src/main/res`: drawable-xhdpi, drawable-xxhdpi"> 238 <location 239 file="src/main/res"/> 240 </issue> 241 242 <issue 243 id="GoogleAppIndexingWarning" 244 message="App is not indexable by Google Search; consider adding at least one Activity with an ACTION-VIEW intent filter. See issue explanation for more details." 245 errorLine1=" <application android:label="pref demo"" 246 errorLine2=" ^"> 247 <location 248 file="src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" 249 line="27" 250 column="5"/> 251 </issue> 252 253</issues> 254