1// illegal-2.s Test file for AArch64 instructions that should be rejected 2// by the assembler. This test is a complement to the illegal.s test. 3// md_apply_fix will not run if there is any error occurred in an earlier 4// stage, which means errors should be reported by md_apply_fix will not 5// be issued. This test hosts instructions that will only incur error 6// report from md_apply_fix. 7 8 9.text 10 mov x0, #deliberately_undefined_symbol 11 12 // immediate out of range 13 add wsp, w0, #0xfff0, LSL #12 14 add wsp, w0, #0xfff0, LSL #0 15 add wsp, w0, u16, LSL #12 16 add wsp, w0, u16, LSL #0 17 18 // immediate cannot be moved by a single instruction 19 mov wzr, #0x0f0f0f0f 20 mov wsp, #0x33030000 21 22.set u16, 0xfff0 23 24 ldr x0, [x0, #257] 25