1#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
3#   Copyright 2018 - The Android Open Source Project
5#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
6#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12#   distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
13#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15#   limitations under the License.
17import time
18from acts import utils
19from acts.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_constants as hc
20from acts.test_decorators import test_tracker_info
21from acts.test_utils.power import PowerWiFiBaseTest as PWBT
22from acts.test_utils.wifi import wifi_constants as wc
23from acts.test_utils.wifi import wifi_test_utils as wutils
24from acts.test_utils.wifi import wifi_power_test_utils as wputils
27class PowerWiFiroamingTest(PWBT.PowerWiFiBaseTest):
29    # Test cases
30    @test_tracker_info(uuid='392622d3-0c5c-4767-afa2-abfb2058b0b8')
31    def test_screenoff_roaming(self):
32        """Test roaming power consumption with screen off.
33        Change the attenuation level to trigger roaming between two APs
35        """
36        self.log.info('Set attenuation to connect device to both APs')
37        self.set_attenuation(self.atten_level['zero_atten'])
38        # Setup both APs
39        network_main = self.main_network[hc.BAND_2G]
40        network_aux = self.aux_network[hc.BAND_2G]
41        self.brconfigs_aux = self.setup_ap_connection(network_aux)
42        self.brconfigs_main = self.setup_ap_connection(network_main)
43        self.dut.droid.goToSleepNow()
44        time.sleep(5)
45        # Set attenuator to trigger roaming
46        self.dut.log.info('Trigger roaming now')
47        self.set_attenuation(self.atten_level[self.current_test_name])
48        self.measure_power_and_validate()
50    @test_tracker_info(uuid='2fec5208-043a-410a-8fd2-6784d70a3587')
51    def test_screenoff_fastroaming(self):
53        # Setup the aux AP
54        network_main = self.main_network[hc.BAND_2G]
55        network_aux = self.aux_network[hc.BAND_2G]
56        # Set the same SSID for the AUX AP for fastroaming purpose
57        network_aux[wc.SSID] = network_main[wc.SSID]
58        # Set attenuator to connect the phone to the aux AP
59        self.log.info('Set attenuation to connect device to the aux AP')
60        self.set_attenuation(self.atten_level[wc.AP_AUX])
61        self.brconfigs_aux = self.setup_ap_connection(network_aux)
62        # Set attenuator to connect the phone to main AP
63        self.log.info('Set attenuation to connect device to the main AP')
64        self.set_attenuation(self.atten_level[wc.AP_MAIN])
65        self.brconfigs_main = self.setup_ap_connection(network_main)
66        time.sleep(5)
67        self.dut.droid.goToSleepNow()
68        # Trigger fastroaming
69        self.dut.log.info('Trigger fastroaming now')
70        self.set_attenuation(self.atten_level[wc.AP_AUX])
71        self.measure_power_and_validate()
73    @test_tracker_info(uuid='a0459b7c-74ce-4adb-8e55-c5365bc625eb')
74    def test_screenoff_toggle_between_AP(self):
76        # Set attenuator to connect phone to both networks
77        self.log.info('Set attenuation to connect device to both APs')
78        self.set_attenuation(self.atten_level[self.current_test_name])
79        # Connect to both APs
80        network_main = self.main_network[hc.BAND_2G]
81        network_aux = self.aux_network[hc.BAND_2G]
82        self.brconfigs_main = self.setup_ap_connection(network_main)
83        self.brconfigs_aux = self.setup_ap_connection(network_aux)
84        self.mon_info.duration = self.toggle_interval
85        self.dut.droid.goToSleepNow()
86        time.sleep(5)
87        # Toggle between two networks
88        begin_time = utils.get_current_epoch_time()
89        for i in range(self.toggle_times):
90            self.dut.log.info('Connecting to %s' % network_main[wc.SSID])
91            self.dut.droid.wifiConnect(network_main)
92            file_path, avg_current = wputils.monsoon_data_collect_save(
93                self.dut, self.mon_info, self.current_test_name)
94            self.dut.log.info('Connecting to %s' % network_aux[wc.SSID])
95            self.dut.droid.wifiConnect(network_aux)
96            file_path, avg_current = wputils.monsoon_data_collect_save(
97                self.dut, self.mon_info, self.current_test_name)
98        [plot, dt] = wputils.monsoon_data_plot(self.mon_info, file_path)
99        avg_current = dt.source.data['y0'][0]
100        # Take Bugreport
101        if self.bug_report:
102            self.dut.take_bug_report(self.test_name, begin_time)
103        # Path fail check
104        wputils.pass_fail_check(self, avg_current)
106    @test_tracker_info(uuid='e5ff95c0-b17e-425c-a903-821ba555a9b9')
107    def test_screenon_toggle_between_AP(self):
109        # Set attenuator to connect phone to both networks
110        self.log.info('Set attenuation to connect device to both APs')
111        self.set_attenuation(self.atten_level[self.current_test_name])
112        # Connect to both APs
113        network_main = self.main_network[hc.BAND_2G]
114        network_aux = self.aux_network[hc.BAND_2G]
115        self.brconfigs_main = self.setup_ap_connection(network_main)
116        self.brconfigs_aux = self.setup_ap_connection(network_aux)
117        self.mon_info.duration = self.toggle_interval
118        time.sleep(5)
119        # Toggle between two networks
120        begin_time = utils.get_current_epoch_time()
121        for i in range(self.toggle_times):
122            self.dut.log.info('Connecting to %s' % network_main[wc.SSID])
123            self.dut.droid.wifiConnect(network_main)
124            file_path, avg_current = wputils.monsoon_data_collect_save(
125                self.dut, self.mon_info, self.current_test_name)
126            self.dut.log.info('Connecting to %s' % network_aux[wc.SSID])
127            self.dut.droid.wifiConnect(network_aux)
128            file_path, avg_current = wputils.monsoon_data_collect_save(
129                self.dut, self.mon_info, self.current_test_name)
130        [plot, dt] = wputils.monsoon_data_plot(self.mon_info, file_path)
131        avg_current = dt.source.data['y0'][0]
132        # Take Bugreport
133        if self.bug_report:
134            self.dut.take_bug_report(self.test_name, begin_time)
135        # Path fail check
136        wputils.pass_fail_check(self, avg_current)
138    @test_tracker_info(uuid='a16ae337-326f-4d09-990f-42232c3c0dc4')
139    def test_screenoff_wifi_wedge(self):
141        # Set attenuator to connect phone to both networks
142        self.log.info('Set attenuation to connect device to both APs')
143        self.set_attenuation(self.atten_level['zero_atten'])
144        # Connect to both APs
145        network_main = self.main_network[hc.BAND_2G]
146        network_aux = self.aux_network[hc.BAND_2G]
147        self.brconfigs_main = self.setup_ap_connection(network_main)
148        self.brconfigs_aux = self.setup_ap_connection(network_aux)
149        self.log.info('Forget network {}'.format(network_aux[wc.SSID]))
150        wutils.wifi_forget_network(self.dut, network_aux[wc.SSID])
151        self.log.info('Set attenuation to trigger wedge condition')
152        self.set_attenuation(self.atten_level[self.current_test_name])
153        self.dut.droid.goToSleepNow()
154        self.measure_power_and_validate()